“Our Hosted VoIP and Data solution can grow with your business.” Contact an ADAMS representative and switch today. 217.214.8708 | www.adams.net Adams offers hosted VoIP solutions that enable businesses to reduce their costs and simplify their networking needs. With hosted VoIP, you can benefit from the following advantages plus our local sales and service: Convergence: Offers your business a combination of reliable, feature-rich voice, data, and networking services. Cost Reduction: Eliminates capital expenses of a phone system. Plus, we handle the installation and maintenance to further reduce your expenses. Service Quality: Leverages our secure IP network and on-premise integrated access devices to ensure the highest quality of service. Scalability: Virtual system can be perfectly matched to your unique business needs, so you only pay for what you use. Consolidated Connectivity: Easily connects branch offices by incorporating our 100% fiber network into your communications solution. Experience the power of ADAMS Hosted VoIP and Data - the complete business phone and high-speed internet solution that provides everything your business needs. Kelli Fohey Account Executive Fiber Voice Fiber Data Virtual IT