Business Connections by Adams

6 W I N T E R 2 0 1 8 Patients, customers, and employees all appreciate TV service Video Increasingly Dominates Internet Traffic Cisco’s Visual Networking Index report forecasts a surge in global video Internet traffic fueled by global increases in Internet users, personal devices and machine-to-machine connections, faster broadband speeds, and the adoption of advanced video services. Highlights of the report include: • Internet video will increase four- fold between now and 2020. • Consumer Internet video traffic will be 82 percent of consumer Internet traffic by 2020—up from 68 percent in 2015. • Business Internet video traffic will be 66 percent of business Internet traffic by 2020—up from 44 percent in 2015. • HD and Ultra HD Internet video will make up 82 percent of Internet video traffic by 2020—up from 53 percent in 2015. • Virtual reality traffic will increase 61-fold by 2020. Consider using videos in your marketing, as they appeal to mobile users, encourage social shares, help build trust, and boost conversions and sales. TV as a Work Tool H ave your patients run out of patience? Has your lobby’s waiting room turned into a “bored” room? Or are your employees hungry for entertainment while they eat their lunch? Adams Fiber TV Services could be just the solution. Adams Fiber TV brings you the best in digital television with crystal-clear picture and sound plus a big lineup of popular channels. By adding Adams Fiber TV to your workplace, you can watch your business benefit in several ways. Prevent Patient Impatience Busy people want to make the most of their time. Patients waiting for medical appointments, for example, appreciate using that time to watch the news. Supplying the option of digital television in your waiting room demonstrates your office’s concern for patients. Some dentists even take this idea a step further by offering TV during treatment to help distract and relax patients. Make Waits More Enjoyable Adams Fiber TV can also be an effective way to keep customers occupied and happy while waiting for services to be completed at a vehicle repair shop or similar facility. If your business has a waiting room, consider using digital television to enhance your level of customer service. Keep Employees Informed Of course, your employees will enjoy relaxing with a favorite show during their lunch break. But the benefits go beyond just improving morale. Adams Fiber TV can also serve as an information resource for employees to keep up to date on current events. With TVs in the lobby and break room, everyone in your building gains access to information about breaking news or extreme weather. Interested in providing Adams Fiber TV Services at your business? To find out more, call 217-696-4611.