RTC's Communicator for Fall 2019

FALL 2019 15 RTC Donated Amazon Echo Dot Smart Speakers to Schools RTC is committed to actively supporting the schools in our service area in order to enhance student learning. That’s why we recently donated 25 Amazon Echo Dot smart speakers so that each 3rd grade classroom would have access to this tech- nology. Amazon Echo Dot smart speakers are voice controlled with Alexa, providing a natural way for students to ask questions and interact with educational resources. W I T H O U R N E W T V T H E my R TC T V AP P I S COM I NG EAR L Y 2 0 2 0 ! 1) Johnson’s Corner Elementary School 2) North Shore Plaza Elementary School 3) Mandaree Elementary School 4) New Town Elementary School Not all schools receiving donations are pictured. 1 2 3 4