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WebsiteCompass 13 The stereotype of a gamer has been a teenage boy in the basement, but the reality of who plays video games is much different. The average age of a video game player is 35, and the ratio of female to male gamers is about 50:50. Worldwide, there are 3.24 billion gamers, with that number expected to rise to 3.32 billion by 2024. It’s Game On for Gaming at Any Age No matter your stage of life, gaming offers valuable benefits More than 214 million Americans now play video games, and there is at least one gamer in 75% of American households. If you think you’re not one of them, think again. A gamer isn’t only someone who sits on a sofa with a controller in their hands and headphones on their ears for hours on end. If you play Candy Crush Saga or any game on your phone for even a few minutes each week, you’re also a gamer. Though different generations may approach gaming differently, this pastime has become popular with folks of all ages. In the following sections, we look at the benefits of gaming for each age group and share tips to keep in mind for ensuring an optimal experience. Children Much has been made of the disadvantages of kids playing video games, including reduced activity and isolation, but gaming can provide many benefits to children: • Early learning skills. Games like Times Table Rock Stars and Endless Alphabet can help young kids learn the basics in a fun way. • Memory and concentration. Many games require players to remember a lot of information, contributing to improvement in problem-solving skills. • Skills for the future. Players often need to strategize and be able to analyze risk versus reward. Many future jobs will require these skills as well. • Teamwork. Through multiplayer games, team members learn to work together to achieve common goals. Back to Basics