Webster-Calhoun Telephone Association's Website Compass

12 WebsiteCompass How to Find and Meet Granfluencers If you’re an influencer yourself and looking for collaboration opportunities with older content providers, follow these steps to find and meet them. TUTORIAL How to find granfluencers The process for finding granfluencers is similar to that for finding other types of content providers. 1. Start where you’re already comfortable. For example, if you post most of your content on YouTube, look there for older contributors in your area of expertise. 2. Expand to other outlets such as Instagram and TikTok to widen your search. 3. Finally, use your platform to put the word out that you’re seeking influencers over a certain age and ask your followers to make suggestions. TUTORIAL How to meet granfluencers The big takeaway here is to be respectful, as you would with any other influencer you’re trying to meet. 1. When you’ve found a granfluencer you’d like to work with, start by looking into their past work and getting an understanding of what they’re trying to achieve. 2. Think carefully about what a potential collaboration might look like. Rather than saying, “Let’s explore,” come up with a pitch. 3. When you’re ready, send relevant links to your work. Share your pitch but let them know you’re open to other ideas. 4. Invite but don’t pressure them to respond. If you haven’t heard back from them in a week or two, consider reaching out again. Social Media Basics