Range’s Chief Government Relations Officer shares an update on Wyoming’s 2024 Legislative Budget Session: LEGISLATIVE UPDATE FROM JASON HENDRICKS The 2024Wyoming Legislative Budget Session ended March 8. The legislature appropriated $10 million that could be used by companies tomeet matching obligations for federal broadband grants. The possible availability of this moneywill be taken into consideration as Range evaluates federal broadband grant opportunities. Other communications-related bills we monitored did not pass out of the legislature. Following the conclusion of the Budget Session, the Management Council—which is comprised of legislative leaders from both political parties—approved a list of interim topics that will be considered by legislative committees in this interim period prior to the 2025 General Session. Range will be most actively involved in the discussions regarding the Wyoming Telecommunications Act (“the Act”), which is scheduled to sunset on July 1, 2025. As previously reported, the Act is important for consumers because, among other things, it authorizes the Wyoming Universal Service Fund (WUSF). Range usesWUSF support to help keep our local voice service rates affordable. As of this writing, the Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Committee held one meeting to discuss this topic, and testimony was provided by industry representatives and theWyoming Public Service Commission (WYPSC) on the history of the Act and the WYPSC’s role in the regulation of local phone service and in the administration of WUSF. Industry reps, consumer advocates, and WYPSC staff have met many times to draft a bill that would update and extend the Act in a manner that can be supported to the fullest extent possible by all parties. The goal is to have a draft bill finalized for consideration by the Committee at its July 30-31 meeting and, ultimately, to have a committee-sponsored bill with zeroto-minimal opposition for the 2025 General Session. Much progress has been made in these discussions, and updates will be provided in future newsletters. range.net/business/managedservices 800.927.2643 CyberDefender SAAS (So ware as a Service) Email Services & More! Workstation, Firewall & Server RMM (Remote Management Monitoring) Range Managed Services