2 Spring 2022 Business Connections is a publication of Rainbow Communications, 608 Main St., Everest, KS 66424. Editorial and Circulation Contact: Kaycee Slough, 628 Oregon St., Hiawatha, KS 66434 800-892-0163 Extra issues are available to business customer employees on a limited basis while supplies last. Contact: Kaycee Slough, 628 Oregon St., Hiawatha, KS 66434 800-892-0163 All brand names and product names used in this publication are trade names, service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright® 2022 by Rainbow Communications and Cornerstone Publishing Group, Inc. Postmaster send changes to: Kaycee Slough Rainbow Communications 628 Oregon St. Hiawatha, KS 66434 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Rainbow offers cool technology. It includes high-speed Internet up to 1 Gig, Business PremiumWi-Fi, and Hosted PBX—all made possible by the Rainbow Fiber-Optic Network. The Spring ‘22 Business Connections issue showcases what’s cool as well as warm thoughts about our community. On page 3, Meet the RainbowYouth Advisory Council. We thought high school students would have cool ideas to share with Rainbow, and we were right. Check out the Business Spotlight on Pierce Heating and Cooling on pages 4 and 5, which was the inspiration for the cool (and warm) theme for this issue. You’ll enjoy learning about this 20-year-old business in Bendena and how it keeps customers comfortable. Rainbow is honored to provide several communications services to Pierce Heating and Cooling. Page 6 advises you to Increase Internet Speed to Increase Productivity. When your online activity heats up, you need an Internet plan that’s fast enough to keep employees working efficiently. Then on page 7, Neil Lednicky of Bendena State Bank shares warmmemories of small-town life in Returning to Your Roots. Cool technology isn’t all you’ll get from Rainbow. You’ll also get to work with a warm and friendly team of professionals. Let us know how we can help. Sincerely, Rainbow Business Solutions Department connections BUSINESS L to R: Angie Kreider Director of Business Development Jonny Kane Business Solutions Representative Deanna Lanter Business Solutions Representative Mike Regenstein Business Solutions Representative Suzanne Schuster Business Solutions Representative Jerad Enneking Business Solutions Manager SPRING 2022