Beulahland's Website Compass

WebsiteCompass 17 Office supply stores. These types of stores, such as Office Depot and Staples, have print centers inside them. You can start the process online and pick up the documents later, or bring a flash drive to the store and have documents printed on the same day. You can also bring documents into the store to be copied. Office supply stores typically provide other services like binding, stapling, and lamination, etc. Your office. Printing personal documents at your workplace may or may not be an option, depending on your employer and the rules in place. Many offices do allow a small amount of personal printing, so it’s worth exploring if you plan to get rid of your home printer. However, don’t use the office printer for anything you don’t want your coworkers or employer to know about—like an application for another job. You wouldn’t want sensitive documents to be accidentally seen by others. Ditch Your Printer the RightWay Getting rid of your old home printer doesn’t mean throwing it into the trash bin. Toxic chemicals are in the printer ink and toner cartridges, along with the plastic in the housing, metals in the printed circuits, and other components. All these can be a threat to the environment. You may be able to sell, donate, or recycle your printer. Do some online research to see what’s available in your community. Some cities and towns even have “rage rooms” where you can use a sledgehammer to destroy inanimate objects. Printers are, unsurprisingly, a very popular choice. Printer Ink Might Be the Most Expensive Liquid You Can Buy Even the cheapest ink in printer replacement cartridges—at about $13 an ounce—costs more than twice as much as Dom Pérignon Champagne. The priciest is closer to $95 an ounce, which would make it $12,160 per gallon. No wonder you’ve been grumbling about the high price of printer ink for years. Why is printer ink so expensive? It’s primarily because the manufacturers of printers and their corresponding inks are using the same high-profit tactic as razor and blade makers. This tactic, known as the razor-and-blade model, was first used by shaving kit manufacturer Gillette, which sold its disposable razor handles for almost nothing only to build the true price into the cost of replacement blade cartridges. For example, a consumer-grade inkjet printer may cost just $70 to buy, but it costs $120 for the manufacturer to make. They sell you the printer at a loss, then get you to pay it off (and then some) over time by buying the replacement cartridges. If you needed one more reason to become a printerless household, now you have it!